Tricks and Tips

Saturday, December 28, 2013

2013 Awards!!!!

Hey everyone!!

Sadly, 2013 has come to a close. To be completely honest, I loved this year. It may have been the best year of my life (please don't take that as corny). Seriously. I made so many more friends, I got good grades, I got into area band and learned how to play the was fantastic!!! There are so many wonderful things about 2013, so I thought I'd share. Here are the best of the best of everything 2013 (in my opinion of course)!!!

Most Influential Person
Now, I know I'm kind of cheating by putting down two people, but I just couldn't resist!! The two most influential people of 2013 were both ladies: Malala Yousafzai and Jennifer Lawrence. While Jen completely changed America's view on what is considered "beautiful", Malala fought for education for women, and was nearly killed in the process! Both are strong and powerful women and I admire them immensely. Below are videos of them both (Jennifer's Oscar acceptance speech and Malala at the United Nations Youth Assembly).

Best Band
Yes, I'm cheating again. :) Their EP hit iTunes back in 2012, and that was also when I discovered them after listening to their hit, "It's Time" in "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" soundtrack. Imagine Dragons absolutely DOMINATED the music world in 2013, and I'm sure they're going to continue. I personally love their song "On Top of the World", but "Radioactive" always manages to give me goose bumps. (Did anyone else know that it was featured in The Host trailer?? That was a damn good movie by the way.) They're so unique, their sound is always chilling, UGH I love them with a passion. Listen to them if you haven't already!! (And if you haven't, do you live under a rock or what?)


Best Movie
This was probably the hardest award to give out. I love movies with a burning passion. Seriously. Almost every single movie I see I obsess over until there's nothing left to obsess about. Maybe I'm crazy. I don't even know, but this year I am giving the award to "Now You See Me".
Oh. My. Lordy. Lord. This movie was fantastic!! If you haven't seen, WATCH IT IMMEDIATELY BECAUSE YOUR LIFE WILL NOT HAVE ANY MEANING UNTIL YOU DO. I have to admit though, there were so many movies I wanted to say. I mean, Catching Fire?? Iron Man?? The Conjuring?? Ugh they were fantastic. I don't know. Now You See Me really was magical. No pun intended. The trailer's below. :)

Best Book
Y'all are going to hate me. I haven't read that many books this year. I know! I know!! I'm disappointed too! (It's on my list of New Year's Resolutions. I got a huge list going of future reads!) Actually, that's probably a lie. I've probably read a ton and a half of books but just forgot that I read them. I did remember, however, that I read everything John Green save Paper Towns, and he is my absolute FAVORITE author and he is WONDERFUL and MAJESTIC and HE IS THE GOD OF YOUNG ADULT NOVELS. I read Looking For Alaska, An Abundance of Katherines, and The Fault in Our Stars (which they're making into a movie!!!)

Best Social Network
When it comes to uniqueness, hands down, my vote is Vine. Six seconds is the perfect amount of time for my attention span. I'm always on Vine, even though I typically don't post. The social network I have used the most is twitter. I tweet and tweet and tweet and tweet. It's a bit of an addiction. :) I just adore writing, and some of the little bits and pieces people write about fascinate me. Twitter, you are FANTASTIC :)

Best iPhone App
I'm a total music lover, so I have to give this award to Pandora. Seriously. I never knew there was so music modern Celtic music. ;)

Best iPhone Photography App
I use Afterlight for almost every single Instagram picture I post. It has thousands of filters, and light leaks to enhance your photos and make them shine. Here are a few of my Instagram pictures where I've used this wonderful app :)


These are my awards so far :) Stay tuned for part 2!!!


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